Include an example robots.txt with SMF2 (I posted my example)

I made a special robots.txt for my forum. It keeps search engines from viewing the calendar, which goes on forever, and from doing various ...

Robots.txt best practice guide + examples - Search Engine Watch

Below are a few examples of how you can use the robots.txt file on your own site. ... You can see how easy it is to make a mistake when creating ...

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Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

Create and Submit a robots.txt File | Google Search Central

A robots.txt file lives at the root of your site. Learn how to create a robots.txt file, see examples, and explore robots.txt rules.

Robots.txt example file - Conductor

A simple robots.txt file. Here's an example of a simple robots.txt file that: Allows all crawlers access; Lists the XML sitemap.

What Is A Robots.txt File? Best Practices For Robot.txt Syntax - Moz

txt file tells web crawlers to crawl all pages on, including the homepage. Blocking a specific web crawler from a specific folder. User-agent: ...

Robots txt File Example: 10 Templates To Use - PageDart

We are going to look at 10 robots.txt file examples. You can either copy them to your site or combine the templates to make your own.

Examples of Robots.txt - seoClarity

A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages are and are not available for crawling.

Robots.Txt: What Is Robots.Txt & Why It Matters for SEO - Semrush

A robots.txt file is a set of instructions used by websites to tell search engines which pages should and should not be crawled.

The ultimate guide to robots.txt - Yoast

The robots.txt file is a file you can use to tell search engines where they can and cannot go on your site. Learn how to use it to your ...